Telegram Stories now available to Premium users

Similar to WhatsApp & Instagram

Telegram Stories

Telegram has now officially announced its stories rollout feature. For your information, it is currently limited to premium users. Telegram also reduced its monthly pricing plan from Rs 469 to Rs 179 per month.

In the Premium Membership users can able to get access several exciting features, including Stories. Telegram Stories differs from its counterparts from WhatsApp, Instagram, and Snapchat. Telegram Premium users will get additional features like custom duration, recipient lists, etc. Let’s explore more about it.

Telegram Stories Key Info

Following its official announcement last month, Telegram Stories is currently being rolled out to Premium members. For those unfamiliar with the concept, Stories are temporary posts that remain at the top of the timeline on Instagram and have a dedicated tab on WhatsApp. Users can share various content such as links, photos, videos, and more. These Stories are automatically removed after 24 hours on the mentioned platforms.

Telegram Stories News

However, Telegram differentiates itself by granting users the ability to set Stories for 6, 12, 24, and 48 hours, providing them with greater control over the duration of their Stories. Also, Telegram allows users to create recipient lists for their stories, enabling them to share relevant posts with specific groups, such as colleagues, family, friends, and more.

Meanwhile, the Telegram App Stories interface is similar to Instagram, with circular profile tabs appearing on top with Stories from their contacts. Users can also send a reply or reactions to Telegram Stories like other platforms. However, while Telegram Stories is visible to all, users must be subscribed to the Premium plan to post them. Users will be prompted to sign up for a Premium subscription when they try to post Stories. However, the prompt says, “Posting stories is currently available only to subscribers,” which means it could eventually become free for all shortly.

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