YouTube Music testing Cast sheet redesign on Android

YouTube Music

According to the latest report, YouTube Music is testing a redesign of the Cast UI on Android that makes use of a bottom sheet.

In the place of the “Cast to a device” box, you get a sheet with rounded corners that first lists “Suggested” targets and then “Other devices.”

YouTube Music testing Cast sheet redesign on Android

It’s much more compact and looks like video player settings from the main YouTube app, while YTM for iOS already uses a similar approach.

When you’re Casting, you get a minimal “Playing on” sheet with just a volume slider instead of replicating the artwork (because you can now see most of the player), while play/pause has been removed.

It’s part of Google’s push for a “Persistent Cast icon” so that “users will see the Cast icon whenever they need and can receive better help and guidance on why they don’t see a specific device.”

This was detailed in January alongside the upcoming Tap to Cast feature for a docked Pixel Tablet and Google phones with UWB (Ultra-Wideband). This Cast sheet redesign in YouTube Music for Android is still in testing and not widely rolled out yet.

Youtube music

Meanwhile, the Google One now has 100 million subscribers, with Sundar Pichai saying how the AI Premium Plan will drive future growth.

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