As more people fall ill, the world is realizing that COVID is the thing we may never be rid of. The situation begs the question, will masking return? And more importantly, will people pay attention to new masking mandates if they go into effect?
Fauci’s Response
Dr. Anthony Fauci spoke out on the rising cases. He urged people to go back to masking, but he fell short of requesting a mandate.
“I would hope that if we get to the point that the volume of cases is such, and organizations like the CDC recommends- CDC does not mandate anything- recommends that people wear masks, I would hope that people abide by that recommendation and take into account the risks to themselves and their families,” Fauci told the media.
Will People Listen?
Masking has been a controversial issue throughout history. It has been especially contentious since COVID started.
Many, including supporters and non-supporters, breathed a sigh of relief when they were given the green light to remove their masks. If mask-wearing becomes mandated again, will they listen? More than an attitude, many people will argue against masking due to reports that find it ineffective.
Arguments for Mask Wearing
Studies have shown that mask-wearing is ineffective. However, a article argues that these studies did not consider how COVID-19 spreads.
Virus germs travel through the air. A quality mask will fit close to the face to prevent air leakage and filter out infectious particles. It also protects the face from spittle that can transmit germs.
There is also a question of when masks are worn. People who wear masks may still get sick if they wear them part of the time.
COVID is airborne. If a person wears a mask around other people and then takes it off when they are alone, they can still get sick thanks to residual germs in the air.
Arguments Against Mask Wearing
Brett Osborne, a board-certified West Palm Beach, FL neurosurgeon and founder of the preventative health care and anti-aging facility, Senolytix says that a mask’s limited efficacy would not justify a new round of mask-wearing mandates.
Dr, Shana Johnson, a Scottsdale, AZ physical medicine and rehabilitation physician, says masking is disruptive to kids. She says kids can be discriminated against for poorly tolerating masks. She also points out that autistic children may have a problem wearing masks due to sensory sensitivities.
Dr. John W. Ayers, chief of innovation in the Division of Infectious Diseases and Global Public Health at the University of California San Diego, says masks could have negative effects on the wearer. He cites studies that have shown it increases the risk of viruses. He also called studies that support masking “biased”.

Presently, there is no clear decision on whether masking will return. It may come down to a matter of personal choice. Which side are you on?