Friday, March 14, 2025

How To Take Great Travel Photos: A Guide

We travel because we love to create new memories. But to be honest, half of it is to have great photos we can post on Instagram. There are so many photos we can replicate on social media like Instagram or Pinterest. But it takes more than a camera to have great pictures of our travels. So here’s a guide on how to take great travel photos for social media.

Embrace Your Inner Tourist

Part of having great travel photos is dressing the part. Embrace your inner tourist and dress in your best outfit of the day for your roam around the city. Wear that funny hat, buy those fun sunglasses, and practice your best pose!

Rule of Thirds?

If you’re new to photography, you may not know about the rule of thirds. It’s a photography technique to compose images in three parts. But if you don’t know how to use it, all the better for you! The rule of thirds isn’t always a guarantee for taking the best photos.

Chase the Light

We know you’re jetlagged from a long flight, but will you really waste an opportunity to take a picture with the most picturesque sunrise for a nap in your hotel? No! Get up and get dressed because sunlight is limited. Chase the light!

Get Up High and Down Low

Change your angles and perspectives. Fun photos don’t need to stay in one angle only. The risk is that hill climb to get a panorama pic or lie on the ground for a unique image of the ruins.

Go on that Offbeat Trail

If you’re in a well-known city, chances are, your friends have the same photos and angles as you. If you want to stand out, don’t be afraid to explore new places in the city, just make sure to bring a friend or a guide with you in case you get lost!

How to take great travel photos

Capture the Whole Journey

Take snaps of every part of your travel, even the most mundane ones. Had a delayed flight? Take a picture. Your flip-flops broke? Take a picture. Never say no to a chance for a photo op.

Create a “Foodgasm” Album

New places equals new food. Go on a street food tour and take pictures of everything you eat. You will look back on this one day and reexperience the first taste of that pad thai or that gelato. Plus, food photos always look good on Instagram!

Tell Your Travel Story

Photos are a great way to tell stories. Let your followers in on the experience by telling your travel story on social media. Pair your photos with catchy captions or lengthy paragraphs about the whole experience.

Enjoying Your Travel is the Key How to Take Great Travel Photos

You are traveling to unwind and have fun. Don’t overthink the pictures and end up not enjoying your trip. How to take great travel photos translates to how to enjoy your trip. Show the world how much you love your experience in your pictures and we’re sure, no matter the angle, it will look good.