Samsung India launched its Grand Republic Sale with bumper offers and cashback on a variety of Samsung products such as Galaxy smartphones, laptops, tablets, wearables, Samsung TVs, and other digital appliances. These offers will be available on, Samsung Shop App, and Samsung Exclusive Stores. Consumers will get up to 22.5% cashback (Up to INR 25000) on HDFC Bank, ICICI, Axis and other leading Bank Debit and Credit Cards.
Samsung Republic Day Sale India
Consumers buying select models of Galaxy A series, M series, F series, S series and flagship models of Galaxy Z Series can get up to 57% off.
Consumers will also get amazing offers on pre-booking the latest Galaxy S24 series smartphones. Under the Grand Republic Day Sale, consumers can avail Galaxy S23 for just INR 54999.
Those purchasing Galaxy laptops such as Galaxy Book Go, Galaxy Book3, and Galaxy Book 3 Pro, can avail up to 46% off and consumers buying select models of Galaxy tablets, wearables and accessories can get up to 50% off.
Consumers purchasing premium and lifestyle models of Samsung televisions can avail up to 48% off with an additional exchange benefit of up to INR 15250. Consumers buying select models of Neo QLED and QLED will also get an assured special gift from either of the following – Galaxy S23 Ultra worth INR 124990 or a 50″ Serif TV worth INR 69990, or a Soundbar worth INR 38990 (Q700C / C450).
During the sale, consumers buying Samsung digital appliances such as refrigerators will get up to 52% off, on select models of refrigerators. Consumers can also get exchange benefits up to INR 15125 on select models.